Residents of Chigohon in Goto are baffled by the story of a 50-year-old villager, who was allegedly caught on several occasions having sex with his daughter and is believed to be the biological father of her two children.

The matter was reported to the Zimbabwe Gender Equality Commission (ZGC) and police late last year, but villagers are concerned about the slow pace of investigations.

ZGC CEO Virginia Mwanigwa said she could only comment on the matter after she was updated on the case by the investigating officer.

The Mirror was also unable to obtain a comment from Masvingo police spokesman, Inspector Kudakwashe Diwa.

The abused daughter, who is now 25 years old, was taken to a relative’s house, where she lives alone with her two children. Her two younger sisters, witnesses to the case, were also removed from the house for fear of being physically abused by the allegedly violent father.

The incident occurred in the village of Shuwaira, and the Mirror cannot reveal the name of the father because that would lead to identifying the assaulted girl.

Villagers also complained that the two witnesses, who study in fourth grade, have not returned home to start school since it opened this week, and urged the police and ZGC to speed up investigations so that the children’s lives can return to normal.

Ikenya Chivamba, director of Shamwari Yemwanasekana, said it was not appropriate for the abused girl and her sisters to stay with her relatives. She said that the Ministry of Social Welfare bears the responsibility of caring for children and finding safe places for them to live.

“I am somewhat surprised by the fact that these children have been handed over to their relatives to take care of them. The Ministry of Social Welfare should have taken up such a case because they are qualified to handle such matters,” she said. “The abused girl and even her younger sisters may end up with health problems,” she said. .

The accused’s father denied these allegations in a telephone interview with the Mirror newspaper.

Village head Patrick Madzhiva confirmed the case and said the girl had been abused since she was 16 years old. She now has two children, ages eight and four.

“Yes, the girl has been abused since she was 16 years old. “Her younger sisters are in hiding because of fear of a father who is known to be violent,” Madzhieva said.

Madzhiva said the case was the talk of the community and the report submitted to the local police station yielded nothing.

The accused’s elder brother also confirmed the case to The Mirror.

He said that removing the assaulted girl from the home was a family decision after continuous reports of her being raped.

The accused’s wife also told The Mirror newspaper that she found her husband sleeping with the girl on several occasions. Masvingo mirror

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