Civil servants are set to receive a pay increase after the ZiG exchange rate was adjusted by 42.55 percent to the US dollar by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe recently.
Finance Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube said negotiations were already underway under the umbrella of the Tripartite Negotiating Forum. “Yes, we have to, I think we have to. We are looking into the matter and are already negotiating through the tripartite negotiating forum to adjust the wages of civil servants. We hope that we will reach an agreement soon and then we can move forward and help the civil servants.
“It is an issue that we are already looking at. That is why I mentioned that it will require some wage adjustment. Wages must be adjusted in both the public and private sectors to improve the purchasing power of workers’ wages, and that is what must happen.
“But that’s what happens when the currency is adjusted. It causes those other negative effects. But there are also other positive effects on the business front. We are determined to save jobs in our formal economy.”