Zanu PF Masvingo district members are complaining about the return of former Politburo member Minister Dzikamai Mafairi to the party, with the District Coordination Committee claiming proper action was not taken as they did not recommend his return.

Sources within the party claim that Mafair’s readmission into the ruling party was forced by the regional and national executive, which is contrary to the normal procedure where the region recommends to the regional coordination committee which will then recommend to the national executive.

“We were shocked when we saw photos of Mafairi with the president and the regional leadership. The protocol was not adhered to as we in the region are supposed to receive a letter from the appellant seeking readmission. We then recommend or reject it. If we accept the appellant we recommend the regional and then the national,” the source said.

Contacted for comment, Masvingo DCC Chairman, Tawanda Dube, said Mafare had not yet been introduced to the district as his re-admission from the national executive had begun.

“Yes, Cde Mavhaire has returned to the party, but procedurally he has not been presented to us as a region yet. His recognition came from the National Executive. But we are happy to have him back as a region,” Dube said.

Zanu PF Masvingo County Chairman, Robson Mavhenyengwa, has said there is nothing wrong with his recognition issued by the National Executive, saying his level justifies it.

“Cde Mavhaire was a member of the Politburo and that is why his recognition came from the top. It is normal and if the president or any other authority asks us to welcome the returnee who are we to refuse? In fact, he was a member of the Zanu Patriotic Front party and he decided Just come home to others.”

Other sources said that Mafair was not comfortable contacting the district executive because he felt it would belittle him, with the possibility of his appeal being rejected, and so he decided to contact the national executive.

“Mafire poses a threat to many in the province, so he saw that the region would ridicule him and block his return given his closeness to former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Nelson Chamisa. “Many feel threatened by his return, even other provincial executive members,” a source within the party said.

Mafire, who was paraded last week at the State House in the presence of party leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa and other prominent party leaders, was accepted into the ZANU-PF after former president Robert Mugabe expelled him from the party in 2014.

Until his return, he became a close ally of opposition leader Chamisa, often speaking at CCC rallies mocking the Mnangagwa administration. Telezem News

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