Regional Magistrate Vimbai Mutukwa has refused bail to three Chipinge men accused of trafficking 36 women and children across the border into South Africa. I refused to release them on bail last Thursday after concluding that they were not fixed on the plane and
Risk of escape due to the seriousness of their condition.
Richman Sandi (29), Stritton Maphosa (32) and Lovemore Sithole (32) from Niazi village under Chief Jarawa in Chippinge will return to court next Friday. They are accused of violating Section 3(1)(B(vii)(viii) of the Trafficking in Persons Law Chapter 09:25.
Prosecutor Ronald Kwangwari told the court that police officers manning a roadblock along Ngondo Tanganda intercepted the three.
way on March 29, 2024 around 7 AM.
There were 36 women and children on board. Police details questioned them about their fate and were told they were heading to Beitbridge where they would facilitate an illegal border crossing for women which led to their arrest.
They are represented by Emmanuel Chibudu of Manyika Law Chambers Firm. Masvingo mirror