President Mnangagwa assured the nation that no one would die of hunger and that his administration had taken adequate measures to ensure food for all communities.
This comes at a time when the country is witnessing one of its driest years in history, with crops withering under the blazing sun while water sources dry up, threatening livestock.
But aid is already reaching communities in need, as the Second Republic made achieving food security a must, as it took a set of measures to ensure the distribution of food to everyone, while at the same time digging wells.
In his speech while handing over 100 service vehicles to chiefs at the International Conference Center in Harare yesterday, President Mnangagwa said traditional leaders must reassure local communities of guaranteed food supplies.
“In light of the dire effects of the El Niño climate phenomenon, I would like to assure the nation that necessary measures have been taken to ensure adequate food for all communities in our country. I appeal to you as traditional leaders to go and assure our people that no communities will go hungry.
“As chiefs, you are inclusive in the way you deal with your people, and I urge that this spirit be continued, while vulnerable families, especially widows and child-headed families, should be identified in a timely manner,” he said. president.
The government has already begun distributing food aid to vulnerable communities across the country to counter the negative effects of El Niño-induced drought, while wells are being drilled to target 35,000 villages to mitigate the effects of the impending drought.
Aside from this, the government has enough grain in its reserves, benefiting from successive bumper harvests that preceded the drought, and food is being distributed across the country in implementation of President Mnangagwa’s trend of “leaving no one and no place behind.”
Turning to the patronage of the chiefs, who are the custodians of the country’s heritage and culture, the President said that despite the illegal economic sanctions stifling Zimbabwe’s economic growth potential, his administration would continue to benefit from the resources and enablers of the institution of traditional chiefs.
“My government further recognizes that the multifaceted functions, roles and responsibilities of chiefs directly and indirectly contribute to unity, peace and development in our communities as well as rural development, modernization, industrialization and ultimately the realization of our Vision 2030.
“We will therefore constantly pursue such interventions to improve the welfare and public service conditions of our esteemed leaders. Moreover, my government will continue to provide medical insurance to our chiefs, chiefs and village heads of all communal areas. At the same time, the government has put in place a funeral assistance package for the chiefs,” the President said while handing over First batch of 100 Isuzu vehicles to traditional chiefs.
“Various ministries, departments and agencies have been mandated to provide additional services and facilities that improve the livelihood and overall standing of traditional leaders. This includes the construction and maintenance of access roads to the residences of the chiefs so that our people can access the various services provided by the chiefs. Electrification of the homes of the chiefs; Water and sanitation as well as the tillage program, among other services, are equally designed to benefit our communities as a whole.
The vehicles delivered to the traditional leaders will help them carry out their responsibilities, interact with local communities, hold courts, and in some cases distribute food aid to those in need in their jurisdictions. Announce