Several school heads have sparked controversy after introducing fees, including a bizarre teacher assessment fee, which students have to pay to attend lessons.
Some parents clashed with teachers and school authorities over students being required to pay civil fees and sports discipline fees.
They are also expected to give teachers a monthly appreciation fee.
Some students were prevented from attending classes if their families refused to pay these fees and were kept from playing on school grounds.
Parents with children at Highlands Junior School in Harare have been forced to elect a new school development committee, accusing the old committee of complicity in robbing them of work with teachers.
Each student is required to pay an assessment fee of $10 per month to the teacher or will be prohibited from attending classes.
“We appeal to the competent authorities to help put an end to this cancerous accusation demanded by teachers.
“We are forced to pay teachers high, and if we fail to pay, our children are asked to leave the classroom.
“For those of us who do not have money, will we not be allowed to let our children study while I am able to pay the school fees?
“The Social Development Board has been lured into this cancerous system where they value money over the education of our children,” said one parent.
Blakiston Primary School is said to ask US$1 from each student at the school gate every day.
The school is also said to have civic days and sports discipline fees.
Parents were angry in a WhatsApp group over the Year 7 pass rate at Blakiston Primary School.
“Have you checked your Year 7 results? Blackiston is nowhere near the top 100. Beaten by schools in Epworth.
Blackstone’s standards have declined.
“With all this increased enrollment, not even five kids got 6 units.
“This shows us that our issue is not in development, but in the academic aspect.
“We are far behind and it is very frustrating and embarrassing.
Some of the messages said: “Defeated by a school in Mayambara, where resources are almost non-existent, but it is still able to cook mashacha.”
A school in Chitungwiza, Pathway Junior, recently clashed with parents to force students to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a way to raise funds
In a letter sent by the school to parents before Valentine’s Day, the school wrote:
“February 14th is Valentine’s Day. The roses will be sold at $2 each. Give the baby the money on Monday so we can make an order.
“Gentle reminder, Friday is t-shirt and jeans day.
“Valentine’s Day $1, Musical $3, Quad Bikes $2, Ice Cream $1, Photo $1, Hot Dogs $1.” h metro