The government urged the media to deal with matters related to the country’s security institutions with care and sensitivity and to refrain from leading internal operations that may occur in these organizations.

This comes as the Zimbabwe Defense Forces told the nation that it was too early to reach conclusions on allegations made by an online news organisation, The NewsHawks, which sought to attribute corruption to three ZDF general officers.

ZDF also warned mischief-makers on social media who doctored its original statement in response to an article published by The NewsHawks in which the news organization sought to discredit other people in the military leadership in its story about the three officers.

In its article published last week, The NewsHawks, citing unnamed sources, claimed that the ZDF had sacked three army commanders following their alleged involvement in a multi-million dollar housing scandal.

In an interview yesterday, Deputy Chief Secretary in the Office of the President and Cabinet (Presidential Communications), Mr George Charamba, said the media must be careful when dealing with matters relating to national security institutions.

“We continue to urge the media fraternity to handle stories relating to security structures in this country with utmost care and sensitivity.

“The ZDF has its own internal processes to investigate any allegation against any of its members, and it is always wise for the media to follow that process, rather than seeking to lead such a process. Leading through advocacy muddies the waters and may invite some responses,” Mr Charamba said. , which may not be palatable to this extent.”

NewsHawks has since issued a statement saying it has frozen articles relating to the three ZDF leaders.

The news organization continued to play the victim, chronicling incidents in which it claimed to have received backlash for its stories about security institutions.

Commenting on the statement issued by The NewsHawks, Mr Charamba said the media must appreciate that a country’s security concerns take precedence over an individual’s preferences or values.

“Whatever your values ​​or priorities, nothing exceeds or rises to the level of this country’s security concerns,” Charamba said.

In its response to the story, ZDF said it had launched an investigation into an alleged corruption case by three public officers to ascertain the veracity of the allegations.

She criticized the media, especially The NewsHawks, for spreading lies about the organization and individuals associated with it.

“The Zimbabwe Defense Forces would like to reaffirm and reassure the public of its commitment to the rule of law, discipline, the presumption of innocence and zero tolerance for corruption in any form and at whatever level,” the statement read.

“However, the Zimbabwe Defense Forces notes with grave concern attempts by NewsHawks and other media outlets to spread lies about the organization and individuals exploiting the alleged corruption matter currently under investigation. The public will be informed of any developments and findings in due course.”

Following the statement issued by the ZDF, some mischief makers on social media issued a fabricated press release claiming to be from the military establishment.

The statement attributed a misdemeanor to prominent figures in the military leadership, which was denounced by the ZDF.

“However, ZDF notes with grave concern that some malicious players on social media have now manipulated the last three paragraphs of the statement to distort the content of ZDF’s original response to NewsHawks.

“In this regard, the ZDF distances itself from the letter purportedly from the ZDF Headquarters circulating on social media, which differs from what it published,” the statement read. Announce

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