Local Pharmacy Even a worker who used his contacts to collect medicines and cash without a prescription while pretending to carry out valid transactions has run out of luck after his misdemeanors were discovered on CCTV.
The issue came to light when worker Patrick Makande was arraigned before a Mutare court last week on Thursday to face theft charges.
Mutare magistrate, Mr Tafazdwa Mhlanga, convicted Makande of theft and fined him US$400.
It is a state case led by Attorney General Mr Tinutanda Muzondo, where Makande, on separate occasions, handed over cash and medical paraphernalia to his associates without a prescription pretending to be dealing legitimately.
Mr Muzondo said that in the cases discovered on CCTV so far, Makande had harmed his employer to the tune of US$200.
He worked at Gray’s Pharmacy in Mutare’s CBD. Manica Post