Two people were struck and killed by lightning last week, one in Dutito and the other, a 13-year-old boy, in Sialima in Juruvi. They both succumbed to their burns.
Provincial police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe said that on February 7, 2024, Amnesty Nyamhundera (13) from Penrose Farm was returning home from Sialema Primary School when it started raining.
He took refuge in the tobacco barn.
Momentarily, Wayne Cachota (15) joined the shed. Lightning struck the shed and the pardon fell.
Wayne pulled over and went to report the incident to Bardon’s mother, Rhoda Nyarondo (42).
When people arrived at the scene, they tried to provide first aid to no avail. The matter was reported at Royamuru Police Base.
In a separate incident the next day, Pinias Causio (41) was working in his tobacco field in Dutito with his family.
It started raining and he kicked his family out as he headed to his friend’s field nearby.
It started raining heavily and Causio and his friend Brian Mukaty started running towards the house.
The couple was struck by lightning and both fell.
Mukati regained consciousness and returned home to mobilize people.
When people arrived at the scene, Causio was already dead and had burns all over his body.
“We urge people to stay indoors when it starts to rain. Leave an open field or work space. Do not use your cell phone or television during thunderstorms. Do not seek refuge in triplexes or large structures,” said Insp Mundembe.