Foreigners applying for Zimbabwean citizenship on the basis of permanent residency will be required to pay US$5,000 in cash for both adults and minors, while those seeking to regain citizenship after renunciation will be required to pay US$1,000.
Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Kazembe Kazembe yesterday announced new fees for various identity documents issued by departments under his ministry.
The new fees are stipulated in the legal instruments published in the Extraordinary Government Gazette yesterday, and are linked to the US dollar or its equivalent at the prevailing interbank interest rate.
SI 7 Order 2024, referred to as the Birth and Death Registration (Amendment) (Fees) Regulations 2024 (No. 17), contains new fees for birth and death registers.
The issuance of a primary birth certificate for people aged six or under will remain free, while for those aged over six, the cost will be US$5 with the initial death certificate pegged at US$2.
A certified copy of any birth or death certificate will cost US$5, while an extract of registration relating to birth or death or a certificate not filed elsewhere will cost US$2 respectively.
Changing the name in the register and correcting the error will cost US$5, while correcting the error issued by the Registrar General’s Department will be free.
Changing the name by notary deed or by RG will cost $50 and $5.
The cost of authentication and re-registration (for legitimacy purposes) is $20. An expedited birth or death certificate costs $10, while an overseas birth certificate costs $15. The non-citizen initial birth certificate and its copy cost $10 and $25, respectively.
According to SI 8 of 2024, referred to as the Citizenship (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (No. 23), searching a set of records will now incur a fee of US$10 while making a copy of any document or page costs US$10 cents.
The cost of issuing a temporary travel document is USD 40 in cash and no other form of payment will be accepted. The cost of a Certificate of Confirmation of Citizenship and a Certificate of Registration of Citizenship by Descent for both minors and adults is USD 50 each.
A certificate of renunciation of Zimbabwean citizenship costs US$200, restoration of citizenship by descent costs US$50, and non-lineage costs US$1,000.
The initial registration as a citizen, for a foreigner applying on the basis of permanent residence for both adults and minors, will be strictly US$5,000.
According to SI 9 2024, referred to as the Trade Marks (Amendment) (Fees) Regulations, registering or registering a trade mark 2024 (No. 7) or transferring a registered trade mark will now cost $5 while a duplicate trade mark certificate will cost $10. American. .
In accordance with Statutory Instrument No. 10 of 2024, the National Registration (Amendment) (Fees) Regulations, 2024 (No. 18), a record search relating to any year for any document, entry or other record is linked to a charge of US$2, while the removal of fingerprints It will cost $1 USD and urgent fingerprint removal will cost $5 USD.
Photocopying services cost $0.20 per page, while initial registration for 16-18 year olds will remain free. For persons ages 18 and older, the registration fee will be $2.
The fee to replace a lost or torn document is $5 for standard service and $10 for expedited service.
The price for replacing lost or mutilated metal or synthetic polythene identification documents for a resident is set at US$10, while the fee for non-residents will be US$15.
For urgent replacement of lost or mutilated metal or synthetic polythene identification documents for a resident, the fee will be US$20 while a non-resident will be charged US$30 for the same services.
If a person is applying for a synthetic polythene ID document while already having a metal ID document, the fee will be $20 for residents and $30 for non-residents.
Correction of errors due to the applicant on a metal, industrial or polythene identity document now costs US$25, while correction of errors due to the administration will remain free. Newsday